Transcript: Have you ever been on support chat with a company or talking to someone online and you need to show them a screenshot of the issue that you’re facing but the problem is that the support chat doesn’t have any way to upload images this happens a lot with different support chats now some […]
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Transcript: Have you ever had an issue trying to access a website page that you know is up you’ve reached out to support and you tell them hey I’m trying to reach this page and it’s not working for me it’s giving me an error or it’s just not coming up properly or it’s got […]
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Transcript: It’s CES week so excited CES is the Consumer Electronics Show it happens every single January of the year it brings us all the latest gadgets and technology and devices and smart cars and all kinds of cool stuff uh in CES this year it’s a big push for AI so there’s going to […]
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Transcript: What are three things that we can do to improve our search rankings or our position of our company in 2024 so it’s more competitive against other businesses in our same industry where we can be where customers can find us and get the phone ringing more get more inquiries more requests for quotes […]
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Transcript: Do you provide estimates for customers well this video is all about some of the estimation process and one of the things that I feel like is not necessary that some people include and I want to talk about it when you’re providing estimates to customers there’s definitely some things that are important to […]
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Transcript: You ever watch YouTube TV and seen ads from local businesses on the main programming like you’re you could be watching a n NFL game and you see like a local business local realtor local plumber and you’re like well how do they get on there well it’s crazy because YouTube TV you would […]
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